University of Georgia Diet “Cocktail” Pill
The excerpts of the following article appeared on May 19, 2008 issue. Just in time for the holidays the Woman’s World magazine latest issue, Dec. 15, 2008 reveals University of Georgia’s (UGA) new-and-improved antioxidant diet “cocktail” pill —“you can diet for a mere 72 hours and still lose 4, 8 even 10 pounds over the course of a week.” . . .
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Burn Body Fat Breakthrough Discovery
Thanks to some very savvy scientists from the University of Georgia (UGA). Finally, we can burn our body fat and kiss our fat cells goodbye.
The UGA team mixed 2 antioxidants — one from soy, the other from grapes — and then poured this cocktail over globs of flab in a test tube.
Burn Body Fat in a Word: Magic
Laboratory result: The antioxidant mix reduced cells’ ability to store fat by 80% and caused fat cells to self-destruct altogether at a rate 246% higher than normal. UGA’s MaryAnne DellaFera, Ph.D., says, “Most researchers have focused on finding ways to keep cells from storing new fat, but for about 10 years we’ve also been looking for ways to accelerate a natural, harmless form of fat-cell death.” Targeting fat in both ways is a very potent combination.
Burn Body Fat Cells with 2 Super Nutrients
DellaFera agreed to help the Woman’s World magazine test these “burn body fat” super nutrients in the real world. The Woman’s World reader-testers were suggested to take a standard 100-mg. daily dose each of soy isoflavones and resveratrol.
DellaFera had also recommended testers to follow a diet low in refined carbohydrates, since this type of food is known to suppress the effects of antioxidants.
Burn Body Fat Cells – The Fast Fat-Melting Results
The testers got the most dramatic results ever reported by readers testing a “lose fat” diet for Woman’s World:
DROPPING 5, 8, even 15 pounds in a SINGLE week.
Burn Body Fat: Real-Life Results
Pomra Powell, 50, Baltimore mom, is marveling at her extreme fat-loss — she dropped 15 pounds in a week. She followed the diet. She says, “some meals were so big, I felt like I was on a picnic! . . . I had more energy than ever before.”
Allie Grubb, 39, Philadelphia mom, is also thrilled — down 8 pounds in 7 days. She says, “I’ve never lost this much, this fast. . . I’m a competitive person and I like to win — so to finally beat my fat feels great!”
Liz Gerecitano, 23, actress, Staten Island, N.Y. — “Once, I went totally carb-free and still only lost two pounds in a week. This time I lost 5 pounds and it was easy. I can’t believe it! All the weight came off from around my waist!” Liz also dropped a full jean size.
Burn Body Fat Miracle?
Could these “burn body fat” super nutrients be your miracle? DellaFera encourages you to try for yourself and see. Just get your doctor’s go-ahead — and then all you’ve got to lose are fat cells!
More articles on UGA’s Melt Body Fat Cells Breakthrough Discovery:
- Are isoflavones and resveratrol supplements for burning body fat safe for everyone?
Read Burn Body Fat FAQs: Soy Isoflavones and Resveratrol for Fast Fat-Melting
- With these yummy menus you’ll also get bonus doses of soy isoflavones and resveratrol in your meals!
Read Burn Body Fat Diet: Lose Fat Menus
- Find out what users say about the University of Georgia “cocktail” diet pill.
Read University of Georgia Diet “Cocktail” Pill: Does it Work?
- Many readers of Woman’s World Magazine, who want to lose weight, are searching in the internet for more information about resveratrol, soy isoflavones and quercetin.
Read Users’ Experience with the New Diet Pill
Source: Excerpts taken from Woman’s World, pp. 18, 19. May 19, 2008 issue
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Update for May 2008 issue: Just in time for the holidays the Woman’s World magazine latest issue, Dec. 15, 2008 – “…breakthrough research from the University of Georgia, you can diet for a mere 72 hours and still lose 4, 8 even 10 pounds over the course of a week.” The UGA research team is headed by MaryAnne DellaFera, Ph.D.
Maria Conte, 42, a Connecticut reader says, “I lost 10 pounds in 7 days—and most of that time I ate like normal. . .”
Womans’ World magazine says farther, “the credit goes to UGA’s fat-blasting antioxidant ‘cocktail’.”
The new-and-improved antioxidant mix which includes isoflavones from soy, resveratrol from grapes, and quercetin from onions—the mix reduced cells’ ability to store fat by about 130% and caused fat cells to disintegrate altogether at a rate 346% higher than normal. “It proved to be a very effective combination,” DellaFera says. This brand-new evidence, it’s about 100% more potent—and destined to be the hottest weight-loss trend of 2009, says the magazine.
Diet Plan
The Woman’s World magazine asked DellaFera to help them re-create her team’s amazing results. DellaFera says, the key is taking 100 mg. of soy isoflavones, 100 mg of resveratrol, and 500 mg of quercetin each day. To speed fat loss even more, use the antioxidant-boosting diet (which the Woman’s World magazine provided to their readers), 3 days a week. Eat anything you like the rest of the time—just stop when you’re slightly full. That’s all there is to it. (Always get a doctor’s okay to try any new plan.)
Antioxidants Work to Burn Body Fat
DellaFerra says, “I’ve gotten calls from people all over the country telling me how well the antioxidants worked for them.” Just get an okay from your doctor and then go for it! Sheila Marie Baker, 50, a Virginia reader has also reported: “I only dieted 3 days and lost 8 pounds. I’ve been let down by almost every plan out there. But this one does not disappoint.”
Woman’s World Readers’ Tips:
- “This plan was so easy to follow. For once, I could eat smaller portions and feel satisfied. But I still got to have french fries and ice cream. Even though it wasn’t like a diet, I lost 4 pounds in a week!” Best tip: Find a diet partner! “My mom dieted with me so we were support for each other.”
~Brittany Biro, 23, a student from Metuchen, New Jersey
- “The fat melted off my body. Plus, my energy is through the roof. I feel like a million bucks. I was back in my pre-baby pants in just one week! I’m definitely sticking with this one!” Best tip: Distract yourself! “I had a craving, I’d go work on an art project—and pretty soon I’d forget about it entirely!”
~Maria Conte, 42, Connecticut
Fun Ways to Burn Body Fat this Winter
Do this . . . and in an hour you’ll burn . . .
- Build a snowman — 235 calories
- Shop for Christmas presents — 250-300 calories
- Walk in a winter wonderland —250-300 calories
- Ski — 325-375 calories
- Ice skate — 400-500 calories
- Sled with your kids — 400-450 calories
- Go cross-country skiing or snowshoeing — 475-550 calories
Frequently Asked Questions
The following FAQs appeared on Woman’s World magazine, Dec. 15, 2008 issue:
Are the supplements safe?
Quercetin and resveratrol are generally considered safe. Some experts advised against taking isoflavones, a plant form of estrogen, if you have or are at high risk for breast cancer. You should also skip isoflavones if you have a soy allergy. Always get a doctor’s okay before taking any new supplement, especially if you’re pregnant or nursing.
Should I take the pills all at once?
Yes. Readers got results this way. Another option: Split supplements into three doses that you take several hours apart.
What if my tummy is upset?
Cut back your daily dose to 25 mg each of resveratrol and isoflavones and about 200 mg of quercetin, suggests DellaFera. Increase to the original dose gradually over 3 to 4 weeks.
How much will it cost?
A month’s worth of quercetin is about $8 at your local drugstore. The other 2 supplements you can get it at LifeExtension. You get a 33% discount on the brand (LifeExtension) DellaFerra recommends:
1. Super Absorbable Soy Isoflavones, 55 mg, 60 caps, $18.90 Visit LifeExtension here
2. Resveratrol capsules, 100 mg, 60 caps, $24.30 visit LifeExtension here
Do the antioxidants offer any other health benefits:
Yes! They’ve been linked to everything from reduced risk of heart disease and certain cancers to smoother skin and stronger bones.
Antioxidant-Boosting Diet
DellaFerra advised the Woman’s World magazine nutrition team to make these 1,200-calorie menus low in sugar and processed carbs, since both foods prevent antioxidants from triggering maximum fat loss. Add 100 mg isoflavones, 100 mg resveratrol, and 500 mg quercetin every day, even when you’re not dieting. Drink as much water as you like. Always get a doctor’s okay to try any new plan.
Burn Body Fat: Breakfast Menu
1 meal bar (up to 180 calories)
1 cup fat-free milk or 10 oz. fat-free latte (dairy or soy)
Burn Body Fat: Lunch Menu
6″ low-fat Subway sub or 3 oz. lean deli meat, 1 slice non-fat cheese, 2 tsp. lite mayo, lettuce and tomato on 2 slices whole-grain bread
1 bag baked chips
1 serving fruit, such as 1 cup red grapes or 1 small box raisins
Burn Body Fat: Dinner Menu
1 can soup (up to 220 calories) heated with 2 cups vegetables (fresh or frozen)
1 oz. cheese
1 serving fruit
Burn Body Fat: Snack Menu
1/2 cup whole-grain cereal
1/2 cup fat-free milk (dairy or soy)
Source: Woman’s World magazine, December 15, 2008 issue, pp.22, 23
Posts and Comments on University of Georgia Diet “Cocktail” Pill Found at Yahoo Answers!
QUESTION: Diet pills do What ones work?
I am i need of some wieght loss from having kids , 3 to be exact , any how i need to lose 20 pounds , and the faster the better. any ideas on how and with what diet pills?
ANSWER: . . . .Do look up the University of Georgia diet pill cocktail though. Someone asked about it here a couple of days ago, and I could find no negative information on it. It’s not well proven, but doesn’t appear to be harmful, and had some positive results in the test they did. There are 3 things you take…resveratrol, soy isoflavones, and quercetin (I think I spelled them all correctly).
QUESTION: Has anyone tried the University of Georgia cocktail diet pill yet?
Please, only answer my question if you have tried it. I don’t care to hear the “real and only ways” to lose weight. I do weight watchers. I was just curious if anyone has. I read the article in woman’s world mag and it does make sense. Thank you.
ANSWER: I read about it in Woman’s World magazine in December and they have the 3 pills and a 1200 calorie diet ONLY 3 days a week 9the other 4 just eat what you normally would and stop when you’re full). I did the pills for a week and didn’t follow any diet (it was the week of Christmas) and despite the overindulging and overeating (no 1200 calorie days) I still lost a pound so that’s pretty darn good! I’m starting today so we’ll see….