As seen on Woman’s World –
MaryAnne DellaFera’s antioxidant cocktail “diet pill”:
resveratrol, isoflavones and quercetin
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Flat Belly Diet: Top 5 Foods to Eat and to Avoid! ↓

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Source:Prevention’s Flat Belly Diet Foods
Flat Belly Diet – Avoid this top 5 foods!
Liz Vaccariello, Prevention’s Flat Belly Diet author, is imparting some of her flat belly wisdom — rules that she follows to keep belly bloat at bay.
Flat Belly Diet Food List – 5 Foods that Bloat Your Belly:
- SALT The reason you feel puffy after a salty meal? H2O is attracted to sodium, which can lead to temporary water retention. High quantities of sodium can show up in some unlikely sources, such as canned vegetable soup and cottage cheese, so check labels (and pass on the salt shaker).
- EXCESS (AND REFINED) CARBS I’m talking about the white stuff–cookies, white bread, chips. Not only do they offer little nutritionally, but they also can cause water retention because when you overdo it, your body stockpiles carbohydrates as a quickly accessible source of fuel. Great for a marathon runner; unnecessary for the rest of us.
- BULKY RAW FOODS Eating large amount of raw veggies simply takes up more space in your GI tract, which can make you feel bloated. Don’t skip veggies; try a small amount lightly steamed or snack on unsweetened dried fruits.
- “GASSY” FOODS Veggies like onions, broccoli, and brussels sprouts are all ultra healthy, but they also create excess gas in your intestinal tract. If you want a flat belly for a big event, just skip ’em the day of.
- GUM Chewing gum can make you swallow air, which then gets trapped in your belly, causing pressure, bloating, and gas.
The Heart of the Flat Belly Diet: Top 5 MUFA Foods – Major Categories
These ingredients hold the power to truly transform your body, not to mention lengthen your life. The secret is their magical “MUFA” (AKA good fat!)
To the ancient Greeks, olive oil was liquid gold. For the Aztecs, chocolate was sacred. Almonds were prized by Egypt’s pharaohs, and avocados have symbolized fertility for centuries. These can’t-live-without-’em foods share more than history; they also share unique health properties. They’re packed with monounsaturated fatty acids (also known as MUFAs, pronounced MOO-fahs), those good-for-you fats that protect you from chronic disease and, according to new research, can help you lose fat, specifically around your middle. That’s why they’re at the heart of the Flat Belly Diet, a unique Prevention-tested weight loss plan.
There are five major categories of MUFAs: (1) oils, (2) nuts and seeds, (3) avocado, (4) olives, and (5) chocolate. Eating one serving of any of these foods at every meal will help reduce your accumulation of dangerous belly fat; control your calorie intake and you’ll lose inches and pounds, too–especially around your waistline. These mouth-watering recipes make it easy. Each portion contains high levels of MUFA, plus serving suggestions that allow you to create a meal that contains around 400 calories–enough to control your hunger and boost your energy without exceeding your daily needs. You can easily fit these meals into the Flat Belly Diet menu plans, but even if you’re not following the diet, you can still enjoy the rich flavor of MUFAs and their numerous health benefits. For centuries, these foods and fats have been hard to resist.
1. Flat Belly Diet Food – Oils Category
Pick your MUFA: Canola oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, peanut oil, pesto sauce, safflower oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil
Use them like this: Stir-fry with sesame, peanut, or canola oil; pan-fry in walnut or olive oil; spread pesto on a sandwich, drizzle it over soups or grilled foods, or toss it with rice or pasta; add walnut, sesame, or olive oil to marinades; cook with safflower, soybean, or sunflower oil; use flaxseed oil in salad dressings (flaxseed oil cannot be used for cooking)
A serving equals: 1 tablespoon
2. Flat Belly Diet Food – Nuts & Seeds Category
Pick your MUFA: Almonds, almond butter, Brazil nuts, cashew butter, chunky natural peanut butter, dry-roasted cashews, dry-roasted peanuts, dry-roasted sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, roasted pumpkin seeds, smooth natural peanut butter, sunflower seeds, sunflower seed butter, tahini (sesame seed paste), walnuts
Use them like this: Eat these foods as a snack; sprinkle on a salad; crush and use as a crunchy topping for fish and chicken (dip fish or chicken in lightly beaten egg white to help nuts adhere); spread nut butters on crackers, bread, or fruit; stir nut butters into soups and sauces to add body and flavor.
A serving equals: 2 tablespoons
3. Flat Belly Diet Food – Avocado Category
Pick your MUFA: Florida avocado, Hass avocado
Use them like this: Slice and serve with a salad or any entrée; mash with lime juice, salt, and pepper and serve with chips; chop and fold into store-bought salsa.
A serving equals: 1/4 cup
4. Flat Belly Diet Food – Olives Category
Pick your MUFA: Black olives, black olive tapenade, green olives, green olive tapenade
Use them like this: Serve olives as a snack; sprinkle sliced olives on pizzas, salads, or pastas; spread tapenade on crackers or sandwiches; stuff tapenade into chicken breasts or fish fillets.
A serving equals: 10 large olives or 2 tablespoons of tapenade
5. Flat Belly Diet Food- Chocolate Category
Pick your MUFA: Dark or semisweet chocolate chips, shavings, or chunks
Use them like this: Any way you crave!
A serving equals: 1/4 cup
READ: MUFA FOOD LIST: Servings and Calories
5 Foods that Bloat Your Belly
Meet the 5 Flat-Belly Foods: MUFAs
Prevention’s Flat Belly Diet
A flatter stomach without the crunches? Better puts the Flat Belly Diet to the test.
More Prevention’s Flat Belly Diet Articles
- If you’ve been unsuccessful in losing weight around your middle, here’s some good news! The key ingredients found in the Flat Belly Diet—”MUFAs” (monounsaturated fatty acid—a healthy fat!) hold the power to truly change your body and specifically target hard-to-lose belly fat.
Read here: Flat Belly Diet Foods: Top 10 “Superstars” to Lose Belly Fat
- This Flat Belly Diet Meal Plan: 25 quick meals made from healthy, delicious packaged foods that follow the rules of the Prevention’s bestselling Flat Belly Diet is developed by Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, coauthor and creator of Flat Belly Diet. These meal plans makes it easier to lose weight without feeling hungry.
Read here: Free Diet Meal Plan: 25 Flat Belly Diet Meal Samples
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Flat Belly Diet Helpful Sites
- Flat Belly Diet’ Success Stories – AOL Health
These four women tried the Flat Belly Diet and lost inches from their waists. See their remarkable transformations. - The Flat Belly Diet
The Flat Belly Diet promises a flat belly and weight loss of up to 15 pounds in 32 days. … The Flat Belly Diet: What It Is. It sounds like a dream come true: Eat certain foods … - Rachael Ray Show Flat Belly Diet
The official site for Rachael Ray’s Emmy® award-winning daytime TV show. Get new recipes daily, watch celebrity videos, chat with Rach’s buddies, and more. Read MaryAnne’s success to Prevention’s Flat Belly Diet… - Flat Belly Diet – LoveToKnow Diet
The Flat Belly Diet promises dieters they can lose 15 pounds in 32 days. Their motto is “A flat belly is about food and attitude,” and no crunches are necessary! - Flat Belly Diet! Does It Fall Flat on Its Promises?
The Flat Belly Diet! program promotes eating a reduced calorie diet that is high in monounsaturated fat (MUFA) in order to flatten your belly with no exercise required. - Flat Belly Diet -Diet Basics
The Flat Belly Diet is based on monounsaturated fats (also called MUFA: Monounsaturated Fatty Acids). Every meal should have a MUFA component (that ideally replaces the saturated fat content). - The Flat Belly Diet- On GoodMorning America
The latest diet frenzy has hit: The Flat Belly Diet – featured recently on Good Morning America. The diet is written by Prevention magazine’s Editor in Chief Liz Vaccariello - Flat Belly Diet – Monounsatured Healthy Fat
Prevention magazine’s Flat Belly Diet that uses a high fat (monounsatured healthy fat) to effectively burn more calories and help you lose weight thru food. - Flat Belly Diet Pushes into Public Eye – Associated Content
A new breakthrough in the diet industry has arrived. The new Flat Belly Diet is one of the newest diets. Arriving just in time to fulfill many New Years resolutions. - The Flat Belly Diet: Just More MUFA
The key point about the Flat Belly Diet is that we should eat many more of the good fats, or MUFA. MUFA’s are the magical component that will melt our belly fat.